I am a science teacher with a penchant for poetry writing (on a very primary level). The two reference books I am using to learn to write poetry are, “Painting the Sky: Writing Poetry with Children” by Shelley Tucker, and “The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Writing Poetry” by Nikki Moustaki.
My inspiration for writing poetry first came from growing up with my mother who would randomly talk in Pig Latin, break out into silly verse, and sing silly songs (my favorite being “Three Little Fishes” by Saxie Dowell; first sung by Kay Kyser, it was a # 1 hit in 1939. Go ahead…you know you want to “Google” the lyrics;-)
My favorite poems are those about nature, and my favorite poet is Mary Oliver. She is truly amazing, and Wordsworth isn’t half-bad either!
So…this web site will feature poems (often of no particular style), as well as random essays and musings (reflections) as nature inspires me. Some of the works will be seasonal, and others will reflect what I may have just seen while kayaking, hiking, or gardening. Nothing fancy or deep…
To begin with, I will post old works beginning in 2003, working my way up to the present. You can click on any of the links in the right-hand column to be transported directly to that poem/essay. Then, click on “Home” to be transported to the present. Enjoy!