Saturday, December 26, 2015

Band Against Cancer

French horn player wearing a sash in Jane's honor
Yay, University of Oklahoma! The Stephenson Cancer Center, of the University of Oklahoma, does a funraiser for cancer research. My brother-in-law's family bought a sash, with Jane's name on it, that a band member wore during the last game of the season. Sweet, sweet, sweet...
And, here is Jane in her concert dress in high school. She was in the marching band, but disliked every part of it, as she preferred the beauty of classical music.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Sweet Sister Jane

Jane at age 24 - Glowing with youth in 1982
We are devastated due to my sister's untimely death, which happened way too soon and way too quickly. She died of complications due to the dreaded pancreatic cancer cells that took over her body on May 7, 2015. I was not able to be at her side to say goodbye in person, so my wonderful nephew, Aaron, read my last letter to my sister.  I got a bit nostalgic and photographed her Graduate School I.D. which you see here. My goodness, she was beautiful through and through...

Our hearts are broken, and sadness envelopes us...

Jane and her dreamy boyfriend-husband, David...
My sister's husband, David, was truly devoted to Jane, and we are so blessed to have him in our family. Here is the last photo I took of Jane, and of them together, (on January 2, 2015) as they posed along the Androscoggin River, in Lewiston.

David, Nan, Aaron, and Kelli...dedicated, devoted, and strong...
And, I couldn't be more proud of my nephew Aaron, his fiancee Kelli, and David's daughter, Nan. They pulled together to assist in taking care of Jane during her last days, and organized Jane's affairs. To them, I say, "Bravo!" What a wonderful team you all are, along with David. These tulips represent their dedication to the wishes of dear, sweet Jane.

Jane always looked on the bright side of life...

And, lastly, this daffodil represents the beauty and joy I will always remember my sister by. She filled so many people's hearts with sunshine and light...She is missed by all who knew and loved her...

This photo sums up Jane perfectly.
She embraced all that life had to offer.
David took this photo of Jane while they were on their last cruise together, in March of 2015. Jane, always full of whimsy, decided to do her "Titanic" pose on the stern of the ship. Here she is taking in all the positive vibes that she can as she battles cancer. (Click on any photo for a larger view.)

May 7, 2015
My Dearest Sister,

 I have truly led a blessed life, and a huge part of what has made it so has been my relationship with you.

You have shown incredible strength of character in all that you have done, and you have shouldered responsibilities that one shouldn’t have had to do alone. Yet, you have succeeded in all that you set out to do, and I admire you so much for that.

You have taught me many life lessons in resiliency, love, dedication, and selflessness. I will strive to carry on, down the paths that you have paved, and I will make you proud. You are one of my all time heroes.

I don’t think that I have told you how much I love you often enough. But I do with all my heart. I love you, I love you, I love you…my soul sister…

Speaking of souls, I know that you have much work to do on another plane of existence.

Continue your good works in Heaven. I know that you will be a wonderful spirit guide and a phenomenal angel to many special someones.

Remember our pact? When I am feeling down and out, and am missing you terribly, you’ll come along and tickle my feet? Don’t forget! A good shoulder rub would also be appreciated!

I’ll be thinking of you often, now and forever. Open your heart and let the light shine in…. May peace be with you…

I love, love, love you…

June 7, 2015 
PPS - Jane's memorial service was the most beautiful service I have ever been to. It is an hour long and is on YouTube. Click here to see it.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

World Poetry Day - March 21st - First Day of Spring

In honor of World Poetry Day, I thought I'd write a little Haiku Poem (5-7-5 syllables.)

Caesar Pond on the first day of spring.

Overcast with snow
Cold, dreary, damp day
Winter slow to leave.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Welcome to the new blog location of Maine Nature Poetry

We just switched from Tumblr to Blogger for Maine Nature Poetry. To see older posts, please visit the Old Version of MNP. You will also see a link for it in the sidebar.